• General Thoughts,  Novels (my writing updates)

    Update During Chaos

    Unless you’re living under a rock, I don’t have to tell you that the world is infirmed right now—at least, many of the people of the world are ill right now with Coronavirus or COVID-19. As of today, March 28, 2020, there are no positive cases in Dardanelle, AR, (or Yell County) where I live with my family. Since March 17, my husband and I have been working from home, and our two children have been doing Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) packets they received from their schools. We had spring break off from March 23-27, and then we’ll get back at it. That first week was chaotic, to say…

  • General Thoughts,  Novels (my writing updates)

    Indie Author Marketing

    Part of being an author is marketing. Both traditionally and independently published authors have to deal with a lot of our marketing efforts. We have to maintain websites, keep our social media accounts updated, speak at events, and just generally sell our writing—our voices. By nature, a lot of writers are naturally introverts, which creates a bit of a dilemma when we’re required to promote ourselves. Indie authors face the unique challenge of marketing with little-to-no budget. And unless you’re Stephen King or J.K. Rowling, even some traditionally published authors face the same problem. We must handle a certain amount (or all) of our marketing on the budget set forth…