• Justice scale.
    Essays,  General Thoughts

    Ethical dilemmas and other ramblings

    I recently served county jury duty for a half-day trial. Having previously served, I knew what to expect with the process…or so I thought. This case wasn’t as clear-cut as the situation three years ago. In this case, there just wasn’t any evidence presented for us to convict the defendant. The entire jury felt that the person was probably guilty, but based on what was given to us for the trial, we were unanimous in acquitting. The whole situation made me wonder how many guilty people walk free due to technicalities that are actually designed to help keep innocent people from being convicted of crimes. I’m a big believer in…

  • Essays,  General Thoughts

    School Shootings

    Last week, on Valentine’s Day, a terrible tragedy happened in Florida. I’m sure it wasn’t the only tragedy to happen that day, but it’s the one that was on my mind the most after I heard the news. Another school shooting, this time leaving 14 students and three teachers dead. I’ve seen sources claim it was the 18th school shooting since January 1, 2018, and other sources claim that the number is exaggerated. My stance on the matter is: Who the hell cares what number on the list this school shooting was? Whether it was the first or the hundredth one, it is still one too many.

  • Artwork,  Essays,  General Thoughts

    My biggest fear

    Fear. It can be crippling. It can also change as we age. What’s your biggest fear right now at this moment? Will you have the same answer tomorrow? Abandonment When I was little, my biggest fear was abandonment. After my father passed away, my mother remarried the man who would end up raising me and shaping my life in ways I didn’t know were possible at the time. I was only four, which is how old my daughter is now. I didn’t understand everything that had happened. I just had a fuzzy memory of my mother holding me over the side of my father’s hospital bed and telling me to…