• Woman dealing with mental health issues.
    Essays,  General Thoughts

    When your mind betrays you: depression rears its ugly head again

    I haven’t been silent about my (past) battles with depression, anxiety, and insomnia. All those issues hit me as a teen and came back in my 20s, 30s, and now 40s. I was fortunate not to experience postpartum depression after my two pregnancies, but I’ve known women who have. Mental illness is rarely a “one-and-done” situation. It’s often a lifelong battle. There’s less of a stigma about mental health than ever before, but it can still be isolating feeling trapped in your own mind—a mind that’s betrayed you when you thought you were okay again. Triggers I think everyone has different triggers that can jump-start a depressive episode. Sometimes, there’s…

  • General Thoughts

    101 random things about me

    I have been terrible about writing blog posts this year for many reasons that might sound like excuses. I launched my own publishing imprint, published my second novel, worked significantly on my third novel, prepared my first novel for republication under the new imprint, read 101 books as of December 8 and held down a full-time day job in addition to spending quality time with my family.  Instead of starting a narrative blog post, I thought I would share 101 random facts about myself to help my readers know me as a person a.k.a. a weird woman who sees all things through the eyes of a writer. These tidbits are…

  • General Thoughts

    Our First Official Family Vacation

    In the 10 years since Jonathan and I became parents, we’ve never taken a real family vacation. By vacation, I mean to drive away from our home to another location, see an attraction or two, and sleep there at least one night before driving home. And hopefully, something that in no way resembles National Lampoon’s Vacation. At the end of last year, we talked about an eventual road trip to either Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, or (ambitiously) both. Knowing how far those destinations are from our home, and knowing our children, I suggested that we start smaller, considering that the kids have trouble getting along for the two-minute car ride…