101 random things about me
I have been terrible about writing blog posts this year for many reasons that might sound like excuses. I launched my own publishing imprint, published my second novel, worked significantly on my third novel, prepared my first novel for republication under the new imprint, read 101 books as of December 8 and held down a full-time day job in addition to spending quality time with my family.
Instead of starting a narrative blog post, I thought I would share 101 random facts about myself to help my readers know me as a person a.k.a. a weird woman who sees all things through the eyes of a writer. These tidbits are in the order in which they came to my mind. I hope you enjoy reading.
- I made a wish on a shooting star when I was a teenager on a beach in Pensacola, Florida that eventually came true.
- I am a huge, and I mean HUGE Snoopy fan.
- I have more than 600 physical books in my home library. This does not include my husband’s or children’s books.
- My eyes are green with a navy ring around them.
- My first pet was a mixed breed dog I named Lucy.
- My favorite song is “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac.
- My favorite book of all time is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.
- Noting the above fact, it is also my favorite movie, the 1994 version in which Winona Ryder portrays Jo March.
- I had my first real kiss at age 18.
- My first actor crush was Jonathan Jackson.
Kurt Cobain, 1993. -
When I was a teen, I had a framed copy of Kurt Cobain’s suicide note on my wall.
- I am a card-carrying introvert.
- I would rather subject myself to physical pain rather than sing in front of other people.
- I’ve written four songs.
- In alternate universes, I think my professions are: musician, actress, literature professor, archaeologist, ballet dancer, and casting director.
- My mother gave me a Bible when I graduated high school that was given to her upon her graduation. Imprinted on it was the name of the publisher who shares a last name with my husband.
- The boys/men (non-family) I’ve loved/thought about most in my life had names with least two of the following letters as initials: C, J, T, or W. The only one I have no contact with now had three of the letters.
- I will always choose dogs over cats.
- I’ve traveled over an ocean by plane six times (including the return trips) to visit the Bahamas, Belgium, Italy, England, France, Germany, and the Netherlands.
- When I finish reading a book I own, I press my closed lips to the front cover and then to the back. (Air-kisses for library books or ebooks.) Yes, I know it’s weird.
- My father died of brain cancer when I was four years old.
- The last memory I have of my father is watching the paramedics remove him from our home.
- My mother is the strongest person I’ve ever known.
- My stepfather raised me like I was his own daughter.
- I have a half-sister, a stepsister, and a stepbrother.
- From grades K-12 I attended the same school, Glen Rose, located in Malvern, Arkansas.
- I graduated third in my high school class of 51 people.
- My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.
- When I am home alone, I like to sing while doing chores.
I don’t care which way the toilet paper is hung.
- I am terrified of getting food poisoning.
- I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis when I was 20 years old.
- My sense of humor is usually dark and twisted.
- I curse. A lot.
- My son and daughter are the most amazing things I have ever created (with assistance from their father, of course).
- My oldest first cousin from my father’s side of the family performed my wedding ceremony.
- I paid only $13 for my wedding dress.
- I have favorite material possessions I received from each of my grandparents. Grandpa Easterling-a traveling typewriter from the 1920s, Meema Easterling: A sterling silver heart pendant she received as a child; Grandpa Russell: A “Pet Rock” he made himself as a joke, Granny Russell: A landscape painting of a mountain and water. Grandma Campbell: An antique honeybee candy dish she gave me as a wedding present.
Reading with Dad. -
I only have in my possession 11 photos of my father and me together.
- I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression since I was a child.
- Since 1998, I have collected Snoopy Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments.
- I learned this year that I have a disc bulging in my lower back.
- I can’t stand having my feet constricted by shoes, a heavy blanket, another person, or my dog sitting on my feet. I have to be able to move my toes.
- My wish is to be cremated upon my death.
- Both of my children have family names. Douglas Andrew (my father’s name/my husband’s middle name) and Meredith Pearl (related to Marie which is my mother and Granny’s middle name/my Meema’s first name).
I won the Powerball lottery twice. The first winning was $12 and the second was $2. I did, in fact, spend all the money in one place.
Designed by katemangostar / Freepik - If I ever win the lottery with a significant payout, I want to buy a summer house on the rocky coast of Maine. Bonus points if the property includes a lighthouse.
- Each time I write something to share, I push past the fear I have that no one will like it.
- Sometimes, I feel loneliest when I’m surrounded by people.
- I experience the feeling of déjà vu often.
- I’ve been interested in lighthouses for as long as I can remember because I find them mysterious and beautiful.
- My great-aunt Ardis made a teddy bear for me when I was born called “Brownie Bear” who met his untimely demise via the neighbors’ dog. I still remember that traumatic experience and still have the replacement bear I named “Rebecca.”
- As a child, I was a huge fan of Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears, Rainbow Bright, The Smurfs, Looney Toons, and Snoopy (of course).
- My favorite art medium to use is greyscale drawing pencils.
- I feel like my right-brain and left-brain traits are always at war.
- My Myers-Briggs type indicator has been consistently INFJ since I first took the test while in college.
- My favorite color is green.
My father with his guitar. - My favorite thing I own that once belonged to my father is his acoustic guitar.
- I have never smoked a cigarette.
- I once slept in a building rumored to be haunted for an entire night by myself.
- When I was a child, I used to record silly videos of myself, inspired by the television show, Clarissa Explains it All.
- As a teen, my favorite show was My So-Called Life.
- The first concerts I attended were after age 18 to see bands who performed on campus at Arkansas Tech University: 3 Doors Down, Vertical Horizon, and Nickelback are the first that come to mind.
- I earned my bachelor’s degree in creative writing from ATU in 2003 and my master’s degree in college student personnel from ATU in 2005.
- As of today, I have worked at ATU as a full-time employee for 14 years and three months.*
- Since age 18, I’ve worked only for J.C. Penney and Arkansas Tech University.*
- I started writing novels when I was 13 years old.
- I’ve kept a journal since I was 11 years old.
The first printed copy of “Caroline’s Lighthouse.” - My greatest career accomplishment was getting my first novel published 20 years after I had written the first draft.
- I share a birthday with celebs Johnny Depp, Michael J. Fox, and Natalie Portman (She was born in the same year).
- I’m a sucker for sappy Christmas movies, especially if there’s romance involved.
- I watched my first horror movie, A Nightmare on Elm Street at a sleepover when I was eight years old. I still love horror movies.
- The worst movie I’ve ever seen is Troll 2.
- I am a psychologist-diagnosed perfectionist. (I’m working on it.)
- I had a fever of almost 104 degrees when I gave birth to my son on April 4, 2008.
- I had a panic attack 30 seconds after my daughter was born on May 11, 2012.
- I have memorized the social security numbers of my husband and children.
- When I was a teenager, I kept detailed scrapbooks full of articles about my favorite celebrities. I was obsessed privately, but I didn’t talk much about them publicly.
- The first movie I saw in a theater was Ernest Goes to Camp. My aunt, Diana, took me along with my cousins the summer I turned six.
- I created my own imprint, Luminesce Publishing, in late 2017.
- I pray every day.
- I am a little superstitious about wishes and always make wishes on birthdays, when the digital clock numbers are all the same, when blowing on a stray eyelash, and especially upon seeing a shooting star.
- I sometimes dream about things before they happen such as conversations and even friends’ pregnancies.
- As a child, I once burned the backs of my legs on a metal playground slide at Burger King and survived (obviously).
- My favorite food is angel hair pasta with marinara sauce and parmesan cheese.
- My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip.
- My biggest craving during both of my pregnancies was cranberry juice, specifically in slushes from Sonic.
- My youngest dog, Peanut, is a rescue I found hiding under my lawn mower.
My first (and only) tattoo. - I got my first tattoo at age 37.
- When I’m having a bad day, reading a good book always makes me feel better.
- I once dyed my hair hot pink. It was supposed to be auburn, which is why it was my last do-it-yourself hair experiment.
- The most valuable skill (besides customer service techniques) I learned while working at JC Penney was how to tie a necktie.
- My favorite book series as a middle-schooler was The Baby-sitters Club.
- In elementary school, I used to misspell words on purpose during spelling bees so I wouldn’t have to stand and talk in front of people for very long.
- I can’t stand it when people litter.
- My biggest pet peeves while driving are having someone follow too closely or swerve into my lane.
River Phoenix - The first celebrity death that really affected me was that of River Phoenix.
- I’ve probably seen the movie Heathers more than any other movie.
- The first funeral I ever attended was for my Meema Easterling when I was 22 years old. The previous funerals of my father and grandparents I had been too young or too upset to attend. The hardest to attend was for my stepfather.
- Sometimes when I’m driving somewhere with my kids, I look at their reflections in the rearview mirror and wonder: how in the world did God trust me with two people so precious? Because many times, I feel like a child playing house rather than an adult.
- The wish I made on the beach: to meet the man I was supposed to marry by the time I turned 23. I met Jonathan a couple of weeks before my 23rd birthday.
Thank you for reading.
-Brandi Easterling Collins
* See the 2021 post for updates about my employment.