You-(Kurt Cobain)
I was almost 13 and had just discovered Kurt Cobain and Nirvana’s music when he died in 1994. My favorite Nirvana song is “Pennyroyal Tea.” I wrote the poem as part of an English assignment and drew the picture for Art.
“You” 4-8-97
We put all our trust in you,
not knowing what you’d been through.
You gave us strength to face our peers,
and looked right through us in the mirrors.
We hear your lyrics every day,
and know you’ll never fade away.
You made me want to scream from towers:
“I’m here now, embrace my powers!”
We all cried out in pain:
“Why’d you leave us Kurt Cobain?”
Your words haunt us in our dreams,
or was that just another of your schemes?
You helped us conquer many fears,
rise up in triumph through the years.
With tears falling like rain,
how could one live with so much pain?
We all lit candles, picked you flowers,
ignored the scandals, and sang for hours.
Under the bridge you’ll stay youthful,
but in the note you were truthful.
We made the mistake of loving you,
not knowing the time our hearts would do.
But, in my heart you will remain,
forever beautiful Kurt Cobain.