Top 15 Cover Songs I Like Better Than The Originals
When an artist makes a song their own When artists release a song, they make it their own. I’ve always admired artists and bands who write their own material, but I also appreciate when a band or artist covers a song so well that I like it better than the original release. Here are my favorites and some honorable mentions. My top 15 favorite cover songs (in order) 1. “Hurt” covered by Johnny Cash Original release by Nine Inch Nails, written by Trent Reznor. Cash truly captures the meaning of this extremely personal song and makes it his own. The lead singer of NIN Trent Reznor and Cash never got…
The World Spins Madly On: More Updates During These Chaotic Times
I hoped I’d have more time to write during the COVID-19 “working from home situation.” Since I’ve cut out my commute, which has allowed me to stay up later, I wanted to use that extra time to work on my novel. Distraction is the death of creativity in my house…or my mind at least. But, the world spins madly on. After working all day, it’s hard to want to be creative in the same space where I’ve worked. I’ve tried changing it up a bit. Sometimes I am in my recliner, sometimes I’m at my desk, and sometimes I go outside to work when the weather cooperates. That helps some…
Music in Jordan’s Sister
While music is an important element in each of my novels, this is especially true for Jordan’s Sister. Taylor and Layne are singer-songwriters. Their entire lives are filled with music. I’m a writer who can barely carry a tune, and music is such an integral part of my life that I’d be lost without it. To me, music is a doorway straight to the soul, and lyrics are poetry expressed with more feeling than what can be conveyed by words merely spoken. There are 23 songs referenced in the novel. Four songs are featured in their entirety (because I wrote them) and the others are referenced by title only with or…