• Essays,  General Thoughts

    Love: It’s All the Little Things

    I’ve been thinking a lot about love lately. Mainly what it is and what it means to me. I just submitted my novel, Caroline’s Lighthouse to the publisher and it has a love story in it with a pretty sweet declaration of love. Actually, it has more than one love story in it, just not all of them are as obvious. My novel in progress is a love story too, but one character takes a little while to figure it out. Scientists will tell you that love doesn’t come from the heart, it is a chemical reaction in the brain that causes the feeling of love. The reason the ancient…

  • Essays,  General Thoughts

    Daddy’s Guitar

    Daddy’s Guitar, Descriptive Essay for Comp. I, 9-17-99 One of the fondest memories from my childhood happened at my Meema’s house. My cousin Clint and I would crawl under Meema’s bed to pull out the treasures she had beneath it. The best treasure belonged to me, but was not really in my possession until I got older. Out of all the dust-covered items under her bed, my favorite was my late father’s guitar. The hard plastic handle of the torn, faded black guitar case felt grainy in my hands. As I pulled the case to where I could open it, the dust stirred, causing me to sneeze and cough. Smells of cedar…

  • Essays,  General Thoughts

    Childhood Lost

    Childhood Lost- Narrative Essay for Comp I. 9-27-99 Sometimes when I listen to myself speak, it is not my voice I hear, but my mother’s. I love Mom, but the last thing I want is to be like her. As much as I hate to admit it, if I had known her as she was in high school, I doubt I would have liked her. The truth is, Mom has never understood anything that really matters to me. A parent who was popular and outgoing as a teenager rarely understands a child who is neither. My mother was beautiful; although that word is overused, it is the only one that comes…