• Essays,  General Thoughts,  Novels (my writing updates)

    What am I doing?

    Right now I am playing the waiting game with Caroline’s Lighthouse. I received word today that the manuscript has passed the initial review process. It is with Archway Publishing undergoing content review and I expect to hear back within one month. Basically, they are checking for copyright violations, hate crime depiction or evidence of plagiarism. Since I have done none of those things, I am not worried. While I am not worried about those things, I am worried about some blatant error that I might have missed in the manuscript. Waiting is difficult because I am not a very patient person. In the meantime, I am working on my next novel,…

  • College Poetry,  General Thoughts,  Poetry

    Moving On

    Rhythmic Poetry-For Poetry Workshop Class. “Moving On” 1-29-02 Cobblestones near the wood-stove Were often houses and roads For the sisters’ matchbox cars During stormy summer nights When their game was make-believe. They made elevators of Sheets for stuffed dogs and dolls on Stairs where little sister’s head Got caught in the banisters. Momma’s butter stopped her tears. The circle driveway became Never ending when their bikes Were not locked in the garage. Traffic accidents ended Then with only bleeding knees. Three sisters help pack boxes. They can’t pack the cobblestones, Or the staircase where they played. But nothing is forgotten, Because all homes have old dreams. I was always grateful…

  • Essays,  General Thoughts

    The Tooth Fairy

    The Tooth Fairy, 10-8-14 The night my youngest sister was born was also the night I lost my first tooth. I will never forget that night. I didn’t realize until much later how significant that night was. It was the first time the tooth fairy visited me, before I realized the true origin of the tooth fairy. I thought about that tonight, as my son lost his top front tooth. I had to drive to my mother-in-law’s house to get a dollar for the tooth fairy to leave behind. I should have been more prepared, considering that the tooth was barely hanging on. While friends’ kids may get more money…