• General Thoughts

    My love history and why I never wrote about my husband until now

    Let me warn you: This post is long. Something my husband and I talked about before he helped me launch this website was the fact that I wrote a lot of material about someone I loved before I met him. I was worried that what I wrote a long time ago would hurt my husband, something I would never do intentionally. Now my husband, Jonathan, is very blunt, as anyone who knows him will tell you. He told me specifically that he is not threatened by my past because it made me who I am—the woman he loves. We talked about my past and his while we were getting to know each…

  • Essays,  General Thoughts

    The Tooth Fairy

    The Tooth Fairy, 10-8-14 The night my youngest sister was born was also the night I lost my first tooth. I will never forget that night. I didn’t realize until much later how significant that night was. It was the first time the tooth fairy visited me, before I realized the true origin of the tooth fairy. I thought about that tonight, as my son lost his top front tooth. I had to drive to my mother-in-law’s house to get a dollar for the tooth fairy to leave behind. I should have been more prepared, considering that the tooth was barely hanging on. While friends’ kids may get more money…

  • High School Poetry


    I wrote this one for my mother when I was 15. “Angel” 3-22-97 An angel speaks softly into the night, “What shall I do now, now that my light is gone?” Her voice is shaken from the fear she has never before known. Never before has she felt so scared, confused, and all alone. “Is the sun forever gone?” She looked to the stars for the answer…. Each star became brighter under her gaze. “My fear shall improve with my moon’s age.” At once, each bright star fell and returned to the angel all the love she had given to the sun and received. And with her heart full again, the…