Pop Culture
Music in Jordan’s Sister
While music is an important element in each of my novels, this is especially true for Jordan’s Sister. Taylor and Layne are singer-songwriters. Their entire lives are filled with music. I’m a writer who can barely carry a tune, and music is such an integral part of my life that I’d be lost without it. To me, music is a doorway straight to the soul, and lyrics are poetry expressed with more feeling than what can be conveyed by words merely spoken. There are 23 songs referenced in the novel. Four songs are featured in their entirety (because I wrote them) and the others are referenced by title only with or…
Day 10: Countdown of my favorite love songs (for weddings)
Thank you for sticking with me through all ten days of Valentine’s Day love song posts. To recap, days 1-9 featured the following types of love songs: Angry Love Songs Bittersweet Breakup Songs Songs for the Brokenhearted Love/Hate Songs Non-romantic Love Songs Pour Your Heart Out Love Songs Songs with Messages to New Lovers Love Story Songs Sweet Declarations Love Songs It’s only fitting to feature my favorite wedding songs for my Valentine’s Day feature. Most were part of my wedding soundtrack (indicated by *) if they were released prior to 2005. I couldn’t narrow it down to my top three, so I have my top five and a bunch…
Day 9: Countdown of my favorite love songs (sweet declarations)
Welcome to day nine of my ten-day series of Valentine’s Day-inspired blog posts. Yesterday, I wrote about my favorite love story songs. Today is all about those sweet declarations of love. These are songs are expressions of love in its purest form. There’s no confusion on the part of the declarer; they know exactly how much they love the receiver and that it will last forever.