• Essays,  General Thoughts

    Taking Back the “Nerd” Label

    I’ve been pondering this “nerd” topic for several months, trying to decide how to best express my thoughts. Having a son in middle school makes the topic relevant now more than ever. Elementary and middle school ages are tough for kids. Junior and Senior high school are tough for kids. That is—these stages are tough for some kids, the nerds.

  • Essays,  General Thoughts

    Back to school

    My children start school tomorrow. Drew will be in 5th grade, and Meredith will be in 1st grade. They should still be babies as far as I’m concerned. I honestly don’t know where the summer went. It seems to pass by quicker now that I’m older and no longer in school. As a child, the summer seemed endless, full of lazy days and adventures. My siblings and I didn’t have the same amount of electronics my children have. Often, I think it was better that way. My sisters, brother, and I had to use our imaginations most of the time. We rode our bikes around the circle driveway, sometimes playing…

  • General Thoughts

    Our First Official Family Vacation

    In the 10 years since Jonathan and I became parents, we’ve never taken a real family vacation. By vacation, I mean to drive away from our home to another location, see an attraction or two, and sleep there at least one night before driving home. And hopefully, something that in no way resembles National Lampoon’s Vacation. At the end of last year, we talked about an eventual road trip to either Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, or (ambitiously) both. Knowing how far those destinations are from our home, and knowing our children, I suggested that we start smaller, considering that the kids have trouble getting along for the two-minute car ride…